This great source forms ASV Indici 158-167, 445-556, 670-681 and is located in the ASV Sala degli Indici. Major divisions of the series include: Indici 538-549, [Registro cronologico]; -- Indici 158-167, Indice alfabetico delle principali materie contenute nel registro cronologico delle Miscellanee dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano; -- Indici 445-537, 550-556, 670-681, [Registro alfabetico]. Boyle notes that this index was compiled by Garampi when he was serving as prefect of the Vatican Archives from 1751 to 1772. During this time he and his assistants assembled citations to individual documents on more than one and a half million slips of paper, which were then pasted into the large volumes that constitute the series. As Boyle points out, this series is sometimes difficult to use because Garampi used his own set of sigla. Users of the Schedario should consult A. Mercati's work, "Schedario Garampi, Registri Vaticani, Registri Lateranensi, Rationes Camerae, Inventario del Fondo Concistoriale," vol. 1 of Sussidi per la consultazione dell'Archivio Vaticano (Rome, 1926). Mercati, in that work, attempts to make sense of the older sigla. Boyle recommends that users consult the copy of Mercati's work that is on the shelves of the ASV Sala degli Indici, because that copy has later additional notes by Mercati penciled in the margins. Major divisions of the ASV indici that constitute the Registro alfabetico include: Indici 445-474, Benefici (with benefices listed in alphabetical order); -- Indici 475-511, Vescovi (a chronological listing then arranged by diocese; within each diocese bishops are listed alphabetically); -- Indici 512-534, Miscellanea I (alphabetical by diocese); -- Indici 535-537, Abbates (alphabetical by diocese and monastery); -- Indici 538-549, Cronologico (chronological indexes); -- Indice 550, Papi (alphabetical); -- Indice 551, Cardinali (alphabetical); -- Indici 552-554, Uffici (curial officials); -- Indici 554-556, Chiese di Roma (alphabetical order by name);-- Indici 670-681, Miscellanea II (alphabetical).